
Epiphany city
Epiphany city

epiphany city

We plan to add the full soundtrack soon.You can already change your keybinds using the Unity settings window that appears before the game launches, but it would be nicer to have it available in-game.Additional accessibility options for people with motor disabilities.An option to add a font easier to read for people with reading disabilities (something like Open Dyslexic or Dyslexie).An option to change stylized fonts like the Prophecy and Rose's post-it note into a more standard font.#3 - Accessibility options. We would love to add the following if possible: This is due to data that showed which countries were most interested in playing Epiphany City. #2 - Localization. Translations will heavily depend on how well Epiphany City sells, but if we can afford it we will prioritize these languages: Nintendo Switch (1 year, pending approval).Our priority of which platforms to port to is in this order: So if you want to adjust volume right away you will have to quit to the main menu. At the moment, you can only access the settings menu by pausing during active gameplay (aka, if you pause during a cutscene you won't be able to access it).You can change your resolution, but for now it must be adjusted in the Unity pop-up window before the game starts.If anyone has any ideas for how else to get it done, please let us know.


TL DR - Mac build may not be available on release. Apparently there are some ways to play 32-bit games on a Mac still but I know this isn't ideal. but we are having trouble finding someone we know with a Mac capable of doing that (aka a Mac that's not a work laptop and not 8+ years old). In order to build a 64-bit build we'd apparently need to transfer all our files to a Mac and build it with the same version of Unity. I know we had a Mac build for the Prologue but for some reason it is only building in 32-bit, which Apple no longer supports. Brace yourselves (I am already bracing myself for the backlash).

epiphany city

However, there's both good news and bad news. Click here to get the full game! There is a 10% launch discount available for 1 week, so take advantage of it!

Epiphany city